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Nico Tam Sexe : Masculin
Maître des Arcanes
Maître des Arcanes

Inscrit le : 19 Mai 2003
Messages : 8381
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Localisation : Serenity
Séries favorites : Whedonverse, SFU, Friends
MessagePosté le : 29 Mai 2009 17:20
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Je viens de tomber sur un petit trésor, un site d'archives sur les forums de la WB et UPN (et d'autres), où Joss et les scénaristes participaient assez régulièrement. Ça remonte à janvier 1998 et je vais m'empresser de lire le plus possible. C'est ici, et pour les posts plus anciens :wink:

Finalement j'ouvre un topic parceque ce site est assez énorme. Y'a vraiment beaucoup à lire, et c'est assez jouissif de lire les commentaires de Joss juste après la diffusion des épisodes, et y'a pas que lui, y'a Tim, Jane, Fury... Chris Beck... et plein d'acteurs qui passent dire bonjour... y'a aussi les traces d'un scandale avec le mec qui s'occupait des combats (et la doublure de SMG), et plein d'autres choses :tourni:

Bref, du bonheur pour le fan obsédé de base :we:

Meaninglessness in a universe that has no meaning, that I get.
But meaninglessness in a universe that has meaning... What does it mean ?
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Nico Tam Sexe : Masculin
Maître des Arcanes
Maître des Arcanes

Inscrit le : 19 Mai 2003
Messages : 8381
Points : 199 Concours jeux - Médaille d'argent : deuxième place 15 Concours graphiques - 31e place
Localisation : Serenity
Séries favorites : Whedonverse, SFU, Friends
MessagePosté le : 30 Mai 2009 18:04
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Ok, je suis en train de lire tout les posts (bon pas tous c'est pas faisable), j'en suis à la saison 5 et y'a tellement de trucs à retenir :tourni: mais voici un petit aperçu :

* 3 janvier 1998 : Joss répond à des questions
Citation :
QUESTION: If you re-write every script, why don't you get writing

joss says:
(Sat Jan 3 17:30:59 PST 1998
Writing credit. Some exec prods take credit (or try) whenever
they work on a script. But my name is all over the show and I
try not to be greedy. These days I do less anyway, thank god.
Besides, everybody pitches in -- and we can't ALL have credit.
Greenwalt works on EVERY story with me. It's par to the
course. The only time it bugged me was the witch ep, which
was 100% me and Greenwalt. So there.

Citation :
QUESTION: Will you be making a Buffy movie - this time, the way YOU want
it done?

joss says:
(Sat Jan 3 17:46:45 PST 1998
A Buffy Movie... mabye one day... it would be the greatest epic
of all time, except for that other epic, the one with the guy.


* 3 décembre 1998 : Joss à propos de James Marsters
Citation :
A last word: spike. I don't know if James sings. I do know he acts. Man, does he act. I wrote much of Lover's walk, I say because i was proud of the work, and James just hit everything out of the park, particularly the speech a bout love, which a bunch of people have responded to. What fun. Plus he's a sweetie.

Why did he go away? Well, there's just a lot going on. But he'll be back. And the other one too, that girl he hangs out with. What was her name again...?

Saying goodnight, signing off, undressing, flossing like a crazed Mohican, and passing gracefully out....j'oss


* 8 décembre 1998 : Joss sur "The Wish"
Citation :
So, some people have seen the WISH, and they seem to share my opinion of it. Aly and David Greenwalt and Marti and RD are here with me, lovin' the response.
Aly sez: "hi". (she spent a long time thinking that up)
David G. sez: "Marti and Joss came to me with this idea, I said 'What if in the new world, things were really nice and people were doing their homework and holding hands and stuff and the brave new world was all soft and gooey and good. And, okay, had a chewy nougat center. and then like, people would be happy, and they only thing they'd want to do is watch the new Angel show, coming this fall on the WB". And then Joss looked at me in that way he has {not that lustful way, the other one. --ed.} and he either said, "Wow, why didn't I think of that/" or else he hit me in the head really hard with acomputer keyboard, I can't remember which. {seriuos part:}I had the best time of my life directing the show.

Citation :
By the by, here's the part I hate. My ep is next. No way it holds up to this one. That sux. (Note to self: kill Greenwalt.) (and Noxon.) (give self raise.) (Bathe ferret.)

Citation :
Okay, we gotta go make more shows (or do more horse, I can never remember which). Aly sez thanks for all the kind words about her tongue. I say thanks for all the kind words about her tongue, because I am not very original.

j with an oss


* 9 décembre 1998 : Marti Noxon après la diffusion de "The Wish"
Citation :
Hey all. Just checking the posts and excited to see how many of ya'll enjoyed last night's show. Have to say - can't believe we got some of that on the air. Keep thinking of some seven-year-old turning to his/her parent and saying - "Mommy? Why is Willow on top of Angel? And why is she licking him?" Anyhoo. We all had a hell of a lot of fun on epi nine. Wait till next week, our sick and twisted Xmas Ep. Joss did an incredible job. I was and am in awe.

Hope ya'll are well. PS - sorry I couldn't take that IM. I was on the phone at the time. Nothing personal.


* 15 décembre 1998 : Joss après la diffusion de "Amends"
Citation :
well hello there. Reading and lurking I, and weighing in thus: The snow was not evil! The snow was good. It was hope. Now another issue: was the snow just a cheap Deus Ex Machina? Well, obviously I don't think so or I would avoid the question. The DEM term is usually used to indicate a cheap easy twist that wraps things up. I know some people here thought it was corny (can't really argue), but I didn't just pull it out of a hat. The whole ep was leading to that, it was the point, not just a way to end it. Third thing: was it God? Well, i'm an atheist, but it's hard to ignore the idea of a "christmas miracle" here (though the PRAY on the marquee was an unintentional coincidence). The fact it, the Christian mythos has a powerful facination to me, and it bleeds into my storytelling. Redemption, hope, purpose, santa, these all are important to me, whether I believe in an afterlife or some universl structure or not. I certainly don't mind a strictly Christian interpretation being placed on this ep by those who believe that -- I just hope it's not limited to that. My fourth point, and I really think this gets to the heart of the issue: I'm kind of dull.


* 6 février 1999 : Eliza vient dire bonjour, et parle de la "Make a wish foundation"
Citation :
I want to thank every single one of you for supporting this show the way you do. YOU MAKE IT AN HONOR TO KEEP DOING WHAT I'M DOING!!! Make a wish foundation means alot to me on a personal level, I'm so happy to be involved in the donation benefit!!! HUGS AND KISSES ALL AROUND!!!


* 14 février 1999 : Joss sur la fin de la saison 3
Citation :
Since people ask, we're shhoting 18 of 22 this season right now. If we make it to 22 I will be amazed and confused. We are all entirely raggedy. But I'm still lovin' the stories, and my actors are still the best. Must mention Eliza, who is kicking out the jams in an intense fashion. As for Spike, i miss him too. He won't be back for a while (so much going on) but He will be back one day, we have fun planned for him. We're already deep into planning next season. i'm pumped. (in a sleepy way.) By the by, the thought of pics of me dancing w/eliza fills me with terror (me no like pix of me) but curiosity also overwhelming - is there linkage to said pix?


* 19 juin 1999 : Joss parle de "Earshot" et de la nouvelle saison
Citation :
Okay, couple of things. Earshot is supposed to air two weeks before the season premiere in sept. Oddly enough, when we were shooting it I thought it felt like the final highschool ep. The last three are very personal, but EARSHOT sort of contains the shows thesis statement in a way, so it kind of fits as last ( though I wish it could have aired in order)

Citation :
So, how's everybody? I'm shooting Angel ep1 and I'm insanely tired. Going well, though. Writing Buffy ep1 at the same time. Cranky almost always. Saying hi, though, mostly to deliver my SECRET CODE MESSAGE to the Buffy fans that took out that dare I say bitchin' ad in variety that brought a smile to my lips, a tear to my eye and straing burning sensation to my elbow. (that last part's not true.) I guess everyone knows by now that the WB is airing the eps soon.


* 30 novembre 1999 : Chris Beck à propos de "Hush"
Citation :
- I know we're all talking about ep. 9 of both shows... but I just had a look at Buffy 10, which is quite possibly the most inventive hour of television I have ever seen. I wish I had more time for the score. In fact item one on tmorrow's agenda is to ask, no, beg for more time. It's an entire opera's worth of music. A month wouldn't be enough time.

Citation :
Joss... more time for ep 10. Pretty please? You read what I said about the inventive part didn't you? And I didn't even know you were going to post! : )

- Chris


* 4 mai 2000 : Joss après la diffusion de "New moon rising" et la controverse sur Willow/Tara
Citation :
Okay, let's do this.
For real: how @#$%&ing
disappointed was I in the
American public after tuesday
night? Of course I realize the
rabidly homophobic posting
contingent represents a smaller
percentage of americans than the
EVIL GAYS they were posting
about, but that's not it. It's
the fact that everyone went nuts
about it THIS WEEK, when this has
clearly been going on for MONTHS?
Did anyone see the spell scene in
episode 16? Hello? It's the not
the bigotry that offends me, it's
the lack of filmic insight.

Okay, and the bigotry. But of
course there were just as many
voices raised in support of the
arc as against, which was swell.
Plus one post from a gay or
questioning teen saying the show
helped them is worth six hundred
hate letters.

And the fact is, stirring up
controversy is sort of fun. It's
just that I never actually set
out to do that. To me, jhaving a
character that is open to
exploring their sexuality is
about the same as having a girl
hero -- just something natural
and cool. Here's the word: Tara
not gonna disappear. She's part
of the show, part of Willow's
life. i'm not saying everything
will be sunshine and roses (not
on MY show, dammit), but there is
more to explore with the two of
them. And hopefully, this
NONSENSE will die down, because I
'm not TRYING to make a political
statement. I NOD OFF during
political statements. My show is
about emotion. Love is the most
powerful, messy, delightful and
dangerous emotion. (Although I
think envy is kind of the
sexiest.) Willow's in love. I
think it's cool.


* 19 decembre 2000 : Marc Blucas sur le départ de Riley
Citation :
Well I don't know the new code these days, so while there will be doubts to my identity, trust me on this one...esp since it is my one and only post.
I must say that although there were times I didn't have many of you as fans, and for the most part still don't : ), I do want to say thanks. The show was such a wonderful experience for me--both as a person and actor. The cast and crew are among the best in the business, and I am proud to say that I left with many new friends. And while it took a while to really find Riley, for both myself and the writers, I love where the character ended. I have only read a few posts, but agree that tonight was one of the best of all time, which thrills me of course. It was sad leaving the show, and oddly enough, I find it sad typing this. It started as such an overwhelming experience, coming here to the bronze--esp given how I wasn't a crowd favorite. But as time wore on, I realized how much I enjoyed every aspect of it. It made my experience that much more special and unique--what other show has this kind of foloowing and commitment? OK this is getting way too long...the point being all have truly made this one of the most memorable experiences of my life--thank you. I'd say enjoy the rest of the year--but I know you will. Have a great best,
Marc Blucas


Y'a plein d'autres perles, n'hésitez pas à les poster surtout :wink:

Meaninglessness in a universe that has no meaning, that I get.
But meaninglessness in a universe that has meaning... What does it mean ?
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Dernière édition par Nico Tam le 30 Mai 2009 18:10; édité 1 fois
Agu' Sexe : Féminin
Maîtresse des sortilèges
Maîtresse des sortilèges

Inscrit le : 30 Déc 2004
Messages : 4138
Points : 74 Concours jeux - 13e place 43 Concours graphiques - 20e place
Localisation : Lille
Séries favorites : Lois et Clark,BTVS,Bones SATC , scrubs ,VM,SG1, weeds, friends
MessagePosté le : 30 Mai 2009 18:16
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merci, c'est vachement intéressant!
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Nico Tam Sexe : Masculin
Maître des Arcanes
Maître des Arcanes

Inscrit le : 19 Mai 2003
Messages : 8381
Points : 199 Concours jeux - Médaille d'argent : deuxième place 15 Concours graphiques - 31e place
Localisation : Serenity
Séries favorites : Whedonverse, SFU, Friends
MessagePosté le : 30 Mai 2009 18:32
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De rien.
Et je rajoute ça parceque Joss est trop con :D

* 1er août 2000 : Joss parle de la saison 5
Citation :
And now, the inevitable lies and misdirections about next season. (I mean spoilers.)

1)The character of Xander will be a lesbian. (I'm gunning for a mix-master.)

2)Everything Buffy says, though it will SOUND perfectly normal, will be misspelled.


4)Buffy and Riley will finally have sex.

5)Tara's extreme nakedness will be, sadly, covered by clothing.

6)All monsters, perils and/or problems will be resolved through angry finger-pointing and prayer.

Apart from that, everything pretty much staus quo -- same stuff you've seen before -- in fact, most of the eps will be clip shows or cleverly concealed reruns. Yay. Yay to the Buffy.


Puis ça aussi :we:

* 21 avril 2001 : Joss parle du futur de Buffy
Citation :
oKAY, SO, APART FROM JUST PRETTY MUCH GIVING THE color CODES AWAY, WHAT'D I DO TODAY? Talked to a bunch of reporters, mostly. About you know what, so I thought I'd better drop in and talk to you all about it.

We're movin'.

It's all true, we're moving to UPN, and what does this mean for you, the viewer?


Well, no, Buffy won't be wrestling. (Sadly.) She will be doing exactly the same thing she'd be doing on the WB. Why we're moving is a long and boring story that you all will no doubt get lots of from the entertainment pres, so I just wanted to let you know this: NOTHING is going to change except the number on your remote. We're still making the same eps, hopefully even at the same time. So if you're panicking, don't. And if you're not panicking, where's the love?


* 24 avril 2001 : Joss parle déjà de l'épisode musical (entre autre)
Citation :
Okay, couple more things. Yes. I will make my on-screen debut in Angel 21. No, I will not speak, and no, you will not see my face. But I will make my presence known! Just remember my watchword: Dignity. Always dignity.

Also: Next year, there WILL be a musical Buffy episode. I'm working on it already. And people, I'm warning you: it just might suck. But I'll do my best. I'm writing the songs and the script (And of course I'll shoot it). The one thing I know for sure is I got some great singers in my cast. It's gonna be the hardest thing we ever tried to pull off, and that INCLUDES the COMPLETELY UNSHOOTABLE episode 100 that nearly killed me.



Meaninglessness in a universe that has no meaning, that I get.
But meaninglessness in a universe that has meaning... What does it mean ?
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Dernière édition par Nico Tam le 30 Mai 2009 19:07; édité 2 fois
Bulle Sexe : Féminin
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Inscrit le : 11 Nov 2003
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Localisation : Made in Lyon
Séries favorites : Made In JOSS
MessagePosté le : 07 Juin 2009 03:31
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Rho Merci !! :bisou: J'adore quand je reviens après un moment de disette internétique, je peux tjrs compter sur toi pour me faire un rapport des évènements jossiens pendant mon absence! :-D
Et là c'est du LOURD!! MErci !! :bisou:
Je lirai tout ça tranquille des que j'aurai des heures à tuer :smile: Si je commence maintenant, jamais je m'arrête :x
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Nico Tam Sexe : Masculin
Maître des Arcanes
Maître des Arcanes

Inscrit le : 19 Mai 2003
Messages : 8381
Points : 199 Concours jeux - Médaille d'argent : deuxième place 15 Concours graphiques - 31e place
Localisation : Serenity
Séries favorites : Whedonverse, SFU, Friends
MessagePosté le : 07 Juin 2009 11:56
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Bulle a écrit :
Rho Merci !! :bisou: J'adore quand je reviens après un moment de disette internétique, je peux tjrs compter sur toi pour me faire un rapport des évènements jossiens pendant mon absence! :-D

My pleasure :bisou:

Meaninglessness in a universe that has no meaning, that I get.
But meaninglessness in a universe that has meaning... What does it mean ?
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