The Whistler
J'ai trouvé un truc:
"The information has given away that the WB has signed Angel for a sixth season. This sounds cool.
Kristin from E-Online is sure that it is quite official that the WB has renewed Angel already for season 6. Let us hope that she is right.
All we know for sure is that James Marsters has signed a contract for two seasons of Angel.
We keep you informed."
C'est nouveau, vieu? J'ai entendu dire qu'il y avait une pétition pour faire arrêter Angel et une autre pour que ca continue? Arff, je comprends plus rien!
"The information has given away that the WB has signed Angel for a sixth season. This sounds cool.
Kristin from E-Online is sure that it is quite official that the WB has renewed Angel already for season 6. Let us hope that she is right.
All we know for sure is that James Marsters has signed a contract for two seasons of Angel.
We keep you informed."
C'est nouveau, vieu? J'ai entendu dire qu'il y avait une pétition pour faire arrêter Angel et une autre pour que ca continue? Arff, je comprends plus rien!