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Apparition watching the game!
Don writes, "This is not a joke. This picture was taken at the Perth Amboy/Carteret Thanksgiving game. The intent was to take a picture of the score' but after examining the picture, something unique appeared. Mind you; this is not a doctored pictured. Look in the circle, there is a young man sitting on his headstone watching the game. My sister went to the cemetery and found the grave, the boy sitting on his grave died at ten years old with his 2 year old brother. it looks like he is holding his brother in his lap, with his head to the left and his legs protruding to our right. FYI; my sister is trying to find the family as we speak, and to give then the picture."
En gros ça dis que quelqu'un a voulu photographié le score d'un match de football et qu'en développant sa photo il a vu un fantome regardant le match. Le fantome est un enfant de 10 ans qui tiendrais son petit frère de 2 ans. Celui qui a photographier et sa soeur recherche la famille de ce garçon:
Je sais pas si c'est moi mais j'arrive pas à voir ce fameux garçon avec son frère. J'ai l'impression de voir quelque chose de transparent sur une tombe.
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Willard Library captures!
The Willard cam is a hot spot for ghost hunters everywhere. It is said to be haunted by a grey lady (ghost) but many other interesting images have been spotted there as well. We include a few below. To see the Willard cam for yourself, check our list of poplar ghost cams on the main page of Ghoststudy. -Jim
En gros ils disent que cette librairie est antée par de nombreux fantomes et par la Dame Grise.
Même si j'y crois pas trop, ça me fait flipper ces photos. Tout les autres articles sont à cette page: ~lien~